
Английский игровой клуб

7 February 2018 - 23:00
Ziferblat Moscow Tverskaya
This week ethical dilemmas are back! A provocative topic provokes you ... to speak. Would you save a kitten or a famous painting from the fire? Would you tell your boss if you accidentally saw your coworker breaking the rules? This Wednesday we'll play some classic games for improving our English and discuss several cases which qualify as 'ethical dilemmas'. And out usual set for vocab nerds - Catchphrase, Kaleidos and Apples to Apples. Jump in! Английский игровой клуб- среда, 7 февраля, 20:00! Стоимость входа - 500 рублей
Вернисаж выставки Евгения Ковчегина «А тебя когда-нибудь кусали кроты?»
8 February 2018 - 22:00